Effect of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers on growth and quality of sugarcane

Ekhlas Mohamedzein Musa Mohamedzein1

Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sinnar, Sudan.

HNSJ, 2022, 3(6); https://doi.org/10.53796/hnsj3614

Published at 01/06/2022 Accepted at 05/05/2022


A field experiment was carried out in season 2014-2015 at Sinnar Sugarcane Farm in Sinnar State, to study the response of different sugarcane varieties to fertilization. The treatments comprised three varieties namely Co 527, Co 997 and Co 6808, and three types of fertilizers namely nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium fertilizers. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Parameters studied were growth parameters (internodes number, stalk height, stem diameter, plant density and yield), quality of cane (pol, fiber, Brix) and quality of juice (purity, pol, fiber, Brix). The results showed that, the three varieties (Co 257, Co 997 and Co 6808) were significantly responded to the fertilization by nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. Internodes number, stalk height and stem diameter of the three varieties of cane significantly increased by potassium fertilizer than phosphorous and nitrogen fertilizers, while plant density and cane weight of the three varieties increased by phosphorous fertilizer compared to potassium and nitrogen fertilizers. The best growth of Co 6808 variety clear in increase by all fertilizers compared to Co 997 and Co 527 varieties. The pol and Brix of cane of the three varieties were not affected by all fertilizers, while the fiber increased by potassium and phosphorous fertilizer respectively. Fiber of cane Co 527, and pol and Brix of cane of Co 6808 were more affected by fertilization. Brix and pol of juice of all varieties were not affected by fertilization, while purity and fiber of juice of all varieties were significantly decreased by fertilization.

Key Words: Sugar cane, nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, internodes, stalk, juice

عنوان البحث

أثر إضافة سماد النتروجين والفسفور والبوتاسيوم على ثلاثة عينات من القصب

اخلاص محمد زين موسى محمد زين1

1 كلية الزراعة، جامعة سنار، السودان.

HNSJ, 2022, 3(6); https://doi.org/10.53796/hnsj3614

تاريخ النشر: 01/06/2022م تاريخ القبول: 17/05/2022م


أجريت الدراسة بحقول سكر سنار خلال موسم 2014-2015 م لمعرفة تأثير إضافة سماد النتروجين والفسفور والبوتاسيوم على النمو وجودة القصب والسكر لثلاث عينات من القصب هي Co 527 و Co 997 و Co6808. أستعمل في التجربة نظام القطاعات العشوائية الكاملة بثلاثة مكررات. قياسات النمو الخضري تحت الدراسة هي عدد العقد، طول وعرض القصبة وكثافة النباتات. وقياسات جودة القصب هي نسبة الالياف وpol وBrix. أما قياسات جودة العصير هي الالياف والنقاوة و pol و Brix. أظهرت النتائج استجابة معنوية للعينات الثلاث للتسميد بالنتروجين والفسفور والبوتاسيوم مقارنة مع الشاهد. التسميد بالنتروجين والفسفور والبوتاسيوم أدى الي زيادة معنوية في عدد العقد وطول وعرض القصبة، بينما أدى التسميد بالفسفور الي زيادة معنوية في كثافة النباتات للعينات الثلاث. كانت استجابة العينة Co 6808 للتسميد بالنتروجين والفسفور والبوتاسيوم أفضل من العينات الأخرى. لم تتأثر نسبة pol و Brix في القصب بالتسميد، بينما زادت نسبة الالياف. لم تتأثر نسبة pol و Brix في عصير العينات الثلاث بالتسميد، بينما نقصت نسبة الالياف والنقاوة في عصير العينات الثلاث نقصاً معنوياً.


Sugarcane is a tall growing monocotyledonous crop plant that is cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions of the world primarily for its ability to store high concentrations of sucrose or sugar in the internodes of the stem (Tai and Miller, 2001). According to FAO (2001) sugar cane is grown in not less than 105 countries and presently it covers a total acreage of about 19 million hectares for world production of approximately 1.3 million metric tons of cane and 17 million tons of sugar. The main Sugarcane producing areas in the world are India, Brazil, Cuba, Australia and Mexico (Clement, 1980). Sudan is one of the potential countries for growing sugar cane due to suitable soil, ample irrigation water, absence of serious disease and trained personal (Ahmed,1996).

Sugarcane is an important industrial and cash crop in many countries of the world, besides sugar production, sugarcane produces numerous valuable by-products like, alcohol which was used in pharmaceutical industry, ethanol used as fuel, bagasse used for paper and chip board manufacturing and press mud used as rich source of organic matter and nutrients for crop production (Kumar et al., 1996; Lingle et al., 2000).

Sugarcane was reported to rapidly deplete nutrients of soil, particularly nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, so there is, need for addition of adequate amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers during the growth of sugarcane (Wood, 1990).

Nitrogen, the primary nutrient limiting sugarcane production is found in organic and inorganic form in the soil. Inorganic form of nitrogen occurs in oxide, nitrate and ammonium form. Most of the soil organic nitrogen exists in the form of organic matter (El Hefnawy, 1991). Nitrogen deficiency in sugarcane is expressed by many symptoms such as yellow-green color of leaves and retarded growth (Eltom, 1986). Nitrogen is usually absorbed by plants as nitrate, even though the fertilizers used may be NO3, NH+4 or organic in nature. The maximum uptake of nitrogen is during the early stages of growth. The two peaks of marked accumulation of nitrogen in leaves coincide with tillering and elongation phases (Clement, 1980). Application of nitrogen fertilizer significantly increased the number of tillers, stalk thickness, height and weight of sugar cane (Netsanet et al., 2014), yield of sugar cane (Bokhtiar et al., 2008).

Phosphorus is a key nutrient required for higher and sustained productivity of sugar from sugar cane. Its influence on cane yield and juice quality has been well established and application of phosphorus has become an essential part of sugar cane fertilization program (Blackburn, 1984). Phosphorus help to build protein, it occurs in the nucleus of living cell and it thought to control most cell activities, it is essential for cell division which affect stalk and roots elongation (Clement,1980). Phosphorus is rapidly accumulated during the first six months, mainly in leaves; phosphorus also stimulates early root formation and development. Application of phosphorus fertilizer significantly increased the number of tillers, stalk height and yield of sugarcane (Ball-Coelho et. al., 1993) and juice quality of sugarcane (Kumar and Verma, 1999)

Most of potassium needed by sugar cane will be taken up during shoot population development, while maximum leaf area has been attained. Potassium absorbed as K+ is the most abundant accumulating in the cell sap of sugar cane. The functions of potassium in sugar cane are many and have been extensively reviewed by Filho (1985) who reported that, the main role of potassium is an enzyme activator in plant metabolisms such as photosynthesis, protein synthesis, starch formation and translocation of proteins and sugar, and by Humbert (1968) stated that while the downwards movement of sugar from the leaves to storage tissues in the stalk proceeds as the rate of approximately 2.5 cm/ minute in a well potassium fertilized sugar cane, when a deficiency of potassium reduce the rate to below half that value. Application of potassium fertilizer increased cane yield (Parsad et al., 1996).

Although there is no consistent statistically significant interaction has been shown to exist between nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, a review of literature shows that inputs of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers must be balanced to optimize sugarcane production for high yield and good juice quality, in most sugarcane producing countries of the world the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers ratio is 2:1:3 or 2:1:2 or 3:1:5 (Milford et. al., 2000).

The objective of this study is to know the effect of addition of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers on the growth of three varieties of sugarcane and quality of sugar.

Materials and Methods

A field experiment was conducted for one season (2014-2015) to study the effect of addition of nitrogen, phosphours and potassium fertilizers on the growth, yield and quality of three varieties of sugarcane. The experiment was conducted in Sinnar Sugar Factory Field. The experimental site lies within Latitude of 13.6° N, Longitude 33° E and Altitude 135 meter above sea level. The area lies in semi tropical savanna, the annual rain fall is 400-450 mm mostly falling from June to October, and annual temperature about 28˚C per day, maximum of 42˚C in May and minimum of 23˚C in January. The area of the experiment was prepared by ploughing, harrowing, leveling and ridging, the distance between rows was 1.5 m and the wide of row was 0.75 m. The rows were divided into 12 sections, each one contains four treatments, and the channels go through these sections. The treatment was laid out in a factorial randomized complete block design with four replicates. The treatments consisted of three varieties (Co 6806, Co 997 and Co 527) and four different fertilizers (control(0 Kg fertilizer),100 Kg N/ fed, 25 Kg P/ fed and 40 Kg K/fed).

A young plant age from 9-11 months was cut to a part which contain at least three internodes with active, healthy and not damage buds (this cutting called sets). Cane sets arrangement was sown as continuous double set arrangement along with at the bottom of the ridges in the experimental units, this method was used to avoid replanting, frequently irrigation was carried out after burring cane sets with soil manually using hand hoe. Gesapax and Gesaprium were used at rate of 2.4: 2.4 Kg /ha. Application of herbicide was done before the second irrigation.

The fertilizers 0 Kg fertilizer (control), 100 Kg N/ fed, 25 Kg P/fed and 40 Kg K/fed were added to Co 6896, Co 997 and Co 527 after 45 days from planting. Ten millable stalks were randomly cut and collected from the inner two rows of each plot to measure the mean of internodes number, stalk height, stem diameter, plant density, and weight of cane. When the cane was 12 months old, ten millable stalks were selected at random from the sampling area in each plot. A sample representing the ten stalks was taken and its weight (kg) was recorded. The juice was extracted with a 3-roller mill, weighted (kg) and analyzed for Brix % of cane and juice (total soluble solids in the juice), Pol % of cane and juice, Fibre % of cane and juice and Purity % of juice were determined.

Results and Discussions

Application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers significantly (p≤0.05) increased the number of internodes, the stalk height, stem diameter, plant density and weight of cane of the three sugar cane varieties (Co 527, Co 997 and Co 6808) compared with the control. Potassium fertilizer was more significantly effective on the three varieties than the two other fertilizers. The response of the variety Co 6808 to the three fertilizers was significantly higher than the two other varieties (Table 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5). Eltom (1986), Gawander et al. (2004) and Richard (2007) reported that application of nitrogen fertilizer significantly increased internodes number, stalk height, stem diameter, plant density and yield of sugar cane. Kummar and Verma (1999) reported that application of phosphorous fertilizers significantly increased the growth and yield of sugar cane. Khosa (2002) reported that application of potassium fertilizer significantly increased internodes number, stalk height, stem diameter, plant density and yield of sugar cane.

Purity% of juice significantly decreased by nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium application, the best purity% obtained by Co 527 variety (Table5).

Pol. % and Brix% of cane and of juice of the three varieties (Co 527, Co 997 and Co 6808) not affected by nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium application, where cane fiber % significantly increased by phosphorous application, and juice fiber% significantly decreased by potassium application (Table 6, 7 and 8).

Gawander et al. (2002) found that sucrose content of sugar cane significantly increased by application of nitrogen fertilizer. Kumar et al. (1996) found that application of phosphorous fertilizer significantly increased the juice quality of sugar cane. Khosan (2002) reported that application of potassium fertilizer significantly promotes the quality of cane.

The three quality results of this study were not in line with the quality results of above researchers, and these may be due to the different environmental conditions.

Table 1: Effect of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers on internodes number

of three sugar cane varieties

Fertilizer Month
7 8 9
varieties varieties varieties
Co527 Co997 Co6808 Mean Co527 Co997 Co6808 Mean


Co997 Co6808 Mean
Control 15.67e 19.33c 20.67bc 18.56b 17.67e 20.67cd 21.00c 19.78b 21.33d 22.00cd 22.33cd 21.89b
100KgN/ha 16.67de 20.67bc 20.00bc 19.11ab 18.67de 22.00bc 22.00bc 20.89b 22.33cd 23.67bc 23.67bc 23.22ab
25Kg P/ha 17.33d 21.00b 21.00b 19.11ab 19.00de 22.33b 22.33b 21.22b 22.00cd 24.00b 24.00b 23.33ab
40 Kg K/ha 17.00de 22.33ab 22.67a 20.67a 19.33d 23.00ab 24.00a 22.11a 22.67c 25.00ab 25.33a 24.33a
Mean 16.67b 20.83ab 21.09a 18.67b 22.00ab 22.33a 22.08b 23.67ab 23.88a
LSD 1.66 1.30 1.30

Table 2: Effect of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers on stalk heights (cm)

of three sugar cane varieties

Fertilizer Month
7 8 9
varieties varieties varieties
Co527 Co997 Co6808 Mean Co527 Co997 Co6808 Mean


Co997 Co6808 Mean
Control 329.0e 375.3ab 342.0d 348.7b 335.6e 380.oab 347.0d 354.2b 342.00e 384.00b 358.33d 361.44b
100KgN/ha 346.6cd 378.6ab 356.6c 360.6b 352.6cd 384.3ab 360.3c 365.7b 357.67de 390.00ab 366.00cd 371.22b
25Kg P/ha 352.6cd 379.0ab 366.6bc 366.1ab 356.3cd 382.6ab 368.6bc 369.2ab 363.33cd 390.00ab 373.33c 375.55ab
40 Kg K/ha 361.6bc 382.3a 369.3b 371.1a 375.3b 387.3a 375.0bc 379.2a 379.00bc 394.33a 380.67bc 384.67a
Mean 347.5c 378.8a 358.6b 355.0b 383.5a 362.b 360.50b 389.58a 369.58b
LSD 10.50 11.2 10.22

Table 3: Effect of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers on stem diameter (cm) of three sugar cane varieties

Fertilizer Month
7 8 9
varieties varieties varieties
Co527 Co997 Co6808 Mean Co527 Co997 Co6808 Mean


Co997 Co6808 Mean
Control 1.70c 1.70c 1.83bc 1.74b 1.77d 1.77d 2.00cc 1.85b 2.00e 2.10d 2.20cd 2.10b
100KgN/ha 1.90b 1.70c 2.10ab 1.90ab 2.07bc 1.90c 2.30a 2.09ab 2.17cd 2.20cd 2.40ab 2.26ab
25Kg P/ha 2.10ab 1.77bc 1.90b 1.92ab 2.23ab 2.00bc 2.13b 2.12a 2.33b 2.17cd 2.30bc 2.27ab
40 Kg K/ha 1.90b 2.13a 1.87bc 1.97a 2.10bc 2.27ab 2.10bc 2.16a 2.17cd 2.43a 2.23c 2.28a
Mean 1.90a 1.83a 1.93a 2.04ab 1.99b 2.13a 2.17b 2.23ab 2.28a
LSD 0.16 0.13 0.10

Table 4: Effect of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers on plant density

of three sugar cane varieties

Fertilizer Month
7 8 9
varieties varieties varieties
Co527 Co997 Co6808 Mean Co527 Co997 Co6808 Mean


Co997 Co6808 Mean
Control 125.6cd 114.3d 135.6bc 125.2b 133.0c 134.6c 147.6bc 138.4b 149.0bc 144.3c 159.6bc 151.0ab
100KgN/ha 138.6bc 128.0c 150.3ab 139.0b 139.0c 139.0c 157.0ab 145.0b 157.6bc 152.3bc 169.3ab 159.7b
25Kg P/ha 152.3ab 154.3a 141.0b 149.2a 163.6ab 171.3a 153.6bc 162.8a 173.3ab 178.3a 162.0b 171.2a
40 Kg K/ha 133.33bc 150.6ab 146.3ab 143.4ab 152.6bc 165.3ab 155.3b 157.7ab 168.0ab 178.3a 165.6ab 170.6ab
Mean 137.5a 136.8a 143.3a 147.0a 152.5a 153.4a 162.0a 163.3a 164.0a
LSD 11.1 15.1 13.91

Table 5: Effect of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers on weight of ten stalks cane of three sugar cane varieties

Fertilizer varieties
Co 527 Co 997 Co 6808 Mean
Control 93.00g 95.00f 90.00h 92.67d
100 kg N/ha 108.00c 103.00d 98.00ef 103.00b
25 kg P /ha 119.00a 113.00b 103.00d 111.67a
40 kg K /ha 99.00e 98.00ed 94.00fg 97.00c
Mean 104.75a 102.25b 96.25c
LSD 2.00

Table 6: Effect of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers on purity % Juice of three sugar cane varieties

Fertilizer varieties
Co 527 Co 997 Co 6808 Mean
Control 95.48b 94.64c 97.03a 95.72a
100 kg N/ha 94.84bc 93.79d 94.96bc 94.53b
25 kg P /ha 96.55bc 92.68e 93.53de 94.25b
40 kg K /ha 95.29bc 94.29cd 94.21cd 94.60b
Mean 95.54a 93.85b 94.93ab
LSD 0.79

Table 7: Effect of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers on pol %, fiber %and Brix % cane

of three sugar cane varieties

Pol % Fiber % Brix %
varieties varieties varieties
Co527 Co997 Co6808 Mean Co527 Co997 Co6808 Mean


Co997 Co6808 Mean
Control 14.0cd 13.4d 15.0ab 14.1a 16.8de 16.73e 16.70e 16.74b 15.0bc 14.6c 15.8ab 15.1a
100KgN/ha 14.1cd 14.0cd 15.0a 14.4a 17.3b 16.8d 16.9cd 17.0ab 15.2bc 15.3bc 16.2ab 15.6a
25Kg P/ha 13.3d 14.6b 14.8ab 14.2a 17.4a 17.1c 17.2bc 17.2a 14.2c 16.1ab 16.8a 15.5a
40 Kg K/ha 14.0cd 14.1cd 14.2c 14.1a 17.4ab 16.9cd 17.1c 17.1ab 15.1bc 15.4bc 15.5b 15.3a
Mean 13.8b 14.0b 14.7a 17.2a 16.9b 17.0ab 14.9b 15.2b 15.9a
LSD 0.3 0.2 0.5

Table 8: Effect of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers on pol %, fiber %and Brix % juice

of three sugar cane varieties

Pol % Fiber % Brix %
varieties varieties varieties
Co527 Co997 Co6808 Mean Co527 Co997 Co6808 Mean


Co997 Co6808 Mean
Control 20.0cd 19.5d 21.5a 20.3a 17.30cd 18.50a 17.60c 17.80a 21.00de 20.70de 22.20b 21.30a
100KgN/ha 20.3c 20.1cd 21.4ab 20.6a 18.00b 17.40cd 17.20d 17.53ab 21.15cd 21.43cd 22.60ab 21.73a
25Kg P/ha 19.3d 20.9b 21.2ab 20.4a 18.00b 17.30cd 17.40cd 17.57ab 20.00e 22.55ab 22.73a 21.76a
40 Kg K/ha 20.0cd 20.3cd 20.3cd 20.2a 17.20d 17.50cd 17.20d 17.30b 21.04d 21.53cd 21.60c 21.39a
Mean 19.9b 20.2b 21.1a 17.63a 17.66a 17.35a 20.88c 21.55b 22.28a
LSD 0.4 0.33 0.53


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