Students’ attitudes towards teaching the Curricula of Arabic language using e-learning methods

Aysheh Ahmad Abd-Alkrim Al-Masa’feh1

Department of teacher education, faculty of social science, Isra University, Jordan


HNSJ, 2023, 4(6);


Published at 01/06/2023 Accepted at 20/05/2023


This study aimed to explore the students’ attitudes towards teaching the Arabic language using e-learning methods. In addition to examining whether gender and academic level of the participants affects in students’ attitudes towards teaching the Curricula of Arabic language using e-learning methods. Sample of the study consisting of 113 (61 females and 52 males) were selected from department of Arabic language at Isra university. In order to collect data from the participants concerning their demographics and attitudes the building an attitude scale about e-learning (Al-Dlalah, Alkhaldi, Alkhutaba & Al-Momani, 2020) were employed. Findings of the study showed that the dimension of the attitudes towards concept of e-learning was the most affects among the participants in medium of attitudes level. While the attitudes towards reason for using e-learning was the lowest one according to participants response. The total score for the level of students’ attitudes towards teaching the Arabic language using e-learning methods was medium. Other findings indicated no statistically significant differences between students’ attitudes towards teaching the Arabic language using e-learning methods based on their gender and academic level variables.

Key Words: Students’ attitudes, teaching, Arabic language, e-learning, methods.


Education does not focus on the skill and practical aspects of education at the level of its focus on the cognitive aspects, where the greatest attention is to save information without “paying attention to the learner’s emotions and feelings and the development of his values and attitudes” (Sabbar and Hassan, 2016). In addition to the shortcomings in some aspects of the cognitive aspect, such as developing problem-solving skills, “critical and creative thinking, and the method of forming knowledge, as knowledge is a method and not a result, if anyone learns the way to obtain knowledge”, he will be able to access it whenever he wants it, “and if university education brings his students to this goal, he will have helped them continue learning in the future” (Al-Mutairi and Nubi, 2016). Therefore, if university education wants to graduate individuals capable of facing the world and adapting to its rapid changes, it must meet the needs of the individual and society for adaptation and creativity. “E-learning is based on the individual’s participation in learning activities, which increases the demand for it and the desire to follow it, unlike other methods that create an atmosphere of repulsion”. Through it, “the learner acquires “Learning to learn” skills, which means lifelong learning and self-development, as well as motivation and positive attitudes of the learning process”. The characteristics of “e-learning represented in flexibility and ease of use are commensurate with the psychological characteristics of adult learners” (Kumar, Ravindra and MT, 2019).

“E-learning is the provision of educational content in various fields to the learner electronically via the computer or the Internet, so that he can interact with this content and with the teacher and with his peers synchronously or asynchronously, as well as learning at the time, place and speed that suits his circumstances and abilities, with the possibility of managing this learning in the same electronic ways in which it was presented” (Al-Yameen and Sadrati, 2019). It can be defined as an educational system to provide educational or training programs to learners or trainees at anytime and anywhere using interactive information and communication technologies such as (Internet, intranet, radio, local or satellite channels for television, CDs, telephone, e-mail, computers, teleconferencing) to provide an interactive multi-source teaching/learning environment in a synchronous manner in the classroom or asynchronous remotely without committing to a specific place depending on self-learning and interaction between the learner and the teacher (Abboud, 2008).

“E-learning has many characteristics, but they differ according to the means used to provide this education, as some are more widespread and some give room for more interaction while others are more suitable for individual abilities and achieving students’ tendencies” (Salmi, 2020). Among “the most important characteristics of e-learning: Create an interactive environment during the education process through the multiplicity of techniques used such as printed texts, images and videos”. Also, non-restriction to a time or place, as it can be used anywhere in the world seven days a week and for (24) hours a day. E-learning can educate large numbers in a short time and compensating for the shortage of academic cadres (Abu Qota and Al-Dalu, 2020). And Expanding education to different groups of society regardless of age, socio-economic level, or health status, where everyone can continue his education. In addition to the multiplicity of sources of knowledge because of connecting to different Internet sites and dealing with thousands of sites, databases, and scientific sources. Finally, Communication, dialogue, and exchange of information between students and each other and between students and teachers (Al-Mutairi, 2016).

Previous studies:

Al-Mutairi (2021) aimed to “identify the effectiveness of e-learning in light of the spread of the Corona pandemic from the point of view of secondary school students in the Farwaniya region of the State of Kuwait”. The descriptive analytical approach was used, sample of the study consisted of (70) male and female students from the twelfth grade in the Farwaniya region in “the State of Kuwait, the questionnaire tool consist 20 items was used distributed in three areas”: The continuity of e-education in light of the spread of the Corona pandemic, the interaction of teachers with e-education in light of the spread of the Corona pandemic, and the interaction of students with e-education in light of the spread of the Corona pandemic. Results indicated the effectiveness of e-education considering the spread of the Corona pandemic from the point of view of secondary school students in the Farwaniya region of the State of Kuwait is medium degree. There were no statistically significant differences based on gender, also there were statistically significant differences based on specialization in all variables in favor of the literary stream.

Abu Shkheidem etal., (2021) revealed the “effectiveness of e-learning in light of the spread of the Corona virus from the point of view of teachers at Kadoorie University, and to achieve the objectives of the study, the descriptive analytical approach was relied on”, and the study sample consisted of (50) faculty members at “Kadoorie University who taught during the period of the spread of the Corona virus through the e-learning system, and the necessary data was collected using a questionnaire whose stability coefficient was (0.804) and was applied to the study sample”. Results revealed that the study “sample’s evaluation of the effectiveness of e-learning in light of the spread of the Corona virus from their point of view was average, and their assessment of the field of e-learning continuity, the field of obstacles to the use of e-learning”, the field of faculty members’ interaction with e-learning, and the field of student interaction in the use of e-learning was average.

Abu Qota and Al-Dalu (2020) aimed to reveal the effectiveness of e-learning in light of the Corona pandemic from the point of view of students at Palestine Technical College. The study used the descriptive approach, and the researchers applied an electronic questionnaire distributed over four areas consisting of (20) items, on the study sample of (308) male and female students, were randomly selected from various departments. The results showed that the field of effectiveness of electronic assessment used in the college from the point of view of students ranked first, the second one was the field of interaction through e-learning, and the field of students’ access to e-learning ranked third. While the field of effectiveness of teaching through education came in fourth place. Finally, the fifth and last place occupied the field of effectiveness of electronic content.

Problem of the study

Some “e-learning techniques are used with traditional education and can take place inside or outside the classroom. Such as scheduling tests or courses on the Internet or preparing lessons and research with the help of the Internet”. It’s an educational “system, as it is a grouping of several elements that interact in an organized manner in order to achieve goals, and each system can be classified into Inputs, Outputs, and Processes, linked by feedback”. Its inputs are the establishment of the e-learning infrastructure, as this requires the provision of devices, communication lines, the establishment of educational websites, the use of technicians and specialists, the design and delivery of electronic courses around the clock, the identification of educational objectives in a good way, the qualification of specialists in designing programs and courses, equipping classrooms and laboratories, preparing teachers and administrators through training courses, qualifying learners to switch to the electronic system, and preparing parents to accept the new system. The problem of current study represents in examine the students’ attitudes towards teaching the Arabic language using e-learning.


The current study aims to:

  1. Examine the students’ attitudes towards teaching the Arabic language using e-learning methods.
  2. Investigate whether there are statistically significant differences between students’ attitudes towards teaching the Arabic language using e-learning methods based on their gender and academic levels variable.


This study looks to answer the following questions:

  1. What is the level of students’ attitudes towards teaching the Arabic language using e-learning methods?
  2. Are statistically significant differences between students’ attitudes towards teaching the Arabic language using e-learning methods based on their gender and academic levels variable?


This study adopted a descriptive study design to examine the students’ attitudes towards teaching the Curricula of Arabic language using e-learning methods.

Study Sample

The sample of the study incorporated 113 (61 females and 52 males) were selected from department of Arabic language at Isra university, their age is in the range of 18-25 years.


In order to collect data from the participants concerning their demographics and attitudes the building an attitude scale about e-learning (Al-Dlalah, Alkhaldi, Alkhutaba & Al-Momani, 2020) were employed. The scale consisting of (31) items divided into three dimensions: the concept of e-learning (12 items), reason for using e-learning (10 items), and e-learning requirements (9 items). Cronbach’s alpha has been calculated to check the reliability of the scale; the results showed that the scale has very good level of reliability (0.86).


To find out the level of students’ attitudes towards teaching the Curricula of Arabic language using e-learning methods, means and standard deviation have been calculated for the scale dimensions and total scale score. As shown in table (1).

Table (1): means and standard deviation for the scale dimension and total score.

Dimension Means Standard deviation 100% Levels
The attitudes towards concept of e-learning 3.62 1.22 72.40% Medium
The attitudes towards e-learning requirements 3.54 1.08 70.80% Medium
The attitudes towards reason for using e-learning 3.48 1.17 69.60% Medium
Total 3.51 1.03 70.20% Medium

Table (1) showed that the dimension of the attitudes towards concept of e-learning was the most affects among the participants in medium of attitudes level. While the attitudes towards reason for using e-learning was the lowest one according to participants response. The total score for level of students’ attitudes towards teaching the Arabic language using e-learning methods was medium (mean= 3.51).

To explore whether there are the statistically significant differences between students’ attitudes towards teaching the Arabic language using e-learning methods based on their gender and academic levels variable. t-test has been run to examine the effects of gender variable as presents in Table 2. In addition to, ONE WAY ANOVA test has been calculated as shown in Table 3.

Table (2): results of t-test based on gender variable.

Dimensions Category N Mean Standard deviation t α
The attitudes towards concept of e-learning Male 61 3.53 0.85 3.73 0.10
Female 52 3.48 0.80
The attitudes towards reason for using e-learning Male 61 3.65 0.75 3.22 0.23
Female 52 3.57 0.69
The attitudes towards e-learning requirements Male 61 3.40 0.68 4.08 0.17
Female 52 3.31 0.65
Total Male 61 3.52 0.64 4.01 0.18
Female 52 3.45 0.62

* Significant at (α ≤ 0.05)

Table (2) indicated no statistically significant differences between students’ attitudes towards teaching the Arabic language using e-learning methods based on their gender.

Table (3) ONW WAY ANOVA for academic levels variable.

Dimensions Variance Sum of squares df Mean squares F α
The attitudes towards concept of e-learning between group 2.23 3 0.68 1.15 0.35
within group 36.54 109 0.62
Total 38.77 112
The attitudes towards reason for using e-learning between group 2.61 3 0.93 1.64 0.22
within group 21.71 109 0.55
Total 24.32 112
The attitudes towards e-learning requirements between group 1.17 3 0.32 0.70 0.15
within group 17.95 109 0.47
Total 18.82 112
Total between group 0.96 3 0.25 0.59 0.33
within group 16.15 109 0.44
Total 17.11 112

*Significant at (α ≤ 0.05)

Table (3) showed that there are no statistically significant differences between students’ attitudes towards teaching the Arabic language using e-learning methods based on their academic level variable.


This study is a step to investigate the students’ attitudes towards teaching the Arabic language using e-learning methods, findings of the study showed that the dimension of the attitudes towards concept of e-learning was the most affects among the participants in medium of attitudes level. While the attitudes towards reason for using e-learning was the lowest one according to participants response. The total score for the level of students’ attitudes towards teaching the Arabic language using e-learning methods was medium. Other findings indicated no statistically significant differences between students’ attitudes towards teaching the Arabic language using e-learning methods based on their gender and academic level variables.

The current stage requires educational institutions to move from traditional education to e-learning. This requires technical, administrative, economic, and social requirements, as e-learning provides support for sustainable educational development, compared to the role that traditional education can play. Economically, the cost of launching e-learning is concentrated on the fixed costs of infrastructure, hardware, software, and course design. Thus, e-learning achieves financial savings related to the costs of transportation expenses for teachers and learners, administrative costs, as well as the cost of buildings, classrooms, laboratories, and special resources that are replaced by the virtual learning environment. As for the impact of e-learning in the social axis, it helps to deliver education to all regions, even remote ones. It also helps empower women and people with special needs with access to education.

On the other hand, e-learning is environmentally friendly, as it consumes 90% less energy than the energy used in traditional education systems. This leads to a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions by 85% per student, by rationalizing the use of transportation and the requirements of educational buildings, and not using a large number of papers, compared to what traditional forms of education need. E-learning also reduces the consequences of spreading infection in overcrowded classrooms in times of crisis and pandemics. In addition to these positive effects, e-learning is characterized by time flexibility, unlike traditional classes. Online learning is a convenient method for the majority, as staff and students can take courses in the fields, they want at a time that suits them, such as attending lectures on weekends, or in the evening after working hours. E-learning also contributes to saving some of the time needed for learning, as there is no time needed for the student to move to the educational headquarters and return home. Findings of the study agrees with findings of Al-Mutairi (2021) who indicated the effectiveness of e-education considering the spread of the Corona pandemic from the point of view of secondary school students in the Farwaniya region of the State of Kuwait is medium degree. There were no statistically significant differences based on gender, also there were statistically significant differences based on specialization in all variables in favor of the literary stream. Also, the findings Abu Qota and Al-Dalu (2020) who showed that the field of effectiveness of electronic assessment used in the college from the point of view of students ranked first, the second one was the field of interaction through e-learning, and the field of students’ access to e-learning ranked third. While the field of effectiveness of teaching through education came in fourth place. Finally, the fifth and last place occupied the field of effectiveness of electronic content.


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