Saed Dirar Theeb1 & Khatijah Othman2

1, 2Faculty of Leadership and Management, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), Bandar Baru Nilai, 71800, Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia

HNSJ, 2023, 4(8);


Published at 01/08/2023 Accepted at 12/07/2023


This article throws light on training strategy and employee performance in organizations. Private and public businesses have been interested in implementing a training strategy to increase the performance of their personnel. The organizations concentrated on establishing a system of policies and decisions to keep pace with the training plan for quick scientific and technical advancement. The performance of the employee needs appropriate training strategy and constructive decisions to enhance his efficiency. The quantitative method was utilized to examine the relationship between the training strategy and the employee’s performance. The study population comprised security companies, and a sample of 45 security employees was taken. The Spss program was used to investigate the relationship between the two variables. The investigation demonstrated that the training method has a function in increasing employee performance. The employee’s performance is affected by the organization’s training policies. The employee’s performance is also affected by decisions in the training approach. Raising the quality of work for employees in businesses involves a training strategy that keeps pace with technological innovation. Organizations maintain the quality of services given and their competitive position through an effective training strategy.

Key Words: Training strategy, Employee Performance, Organizations.

عنوان البحث

العلاقة بين استراتيجية التدريب وأداء الموظفين في المنظمات

HNSJ, 2023, 4(8);

تاريخ النشر: 01/08/2023م تاريخ القبول: 12/07/2023م


يلقي هذا البحث الضوء على استراتيجية التدريب واداء الموظف في المنظمات، نظراَ لاهتمام المنظمات العامة و الخاصة بتنفيذ استراتيجية التدريب بهدف تحسين اداء موظفيها وتحقيق اهدافها. تركز المنظمات على اعداد وتطوير السياسات و القرارات لتعزيز خطة التدريب ومواكبة التقدم العلمي و التكنلوجي لضمان اداء جيد و تحسين الخدمات المقدمة و تعزيز الموقع التنافسي. يحتاج تعزيز اداء الموظف الى استراتيجية تدريب فعالة تشارك في تحسينها مختلف المستويات الادارية بالمنظمة. في هذا البحث تم استخدام المنهاج الكمي للتحقق من العلاقة بين المغير المستقل و هي استراتيجية التدريب وعلاقته بالمتغير التابع و هو اداء الموظف، حيث تم الاعتماد على المنظمات التي تقدم خدمات امن كمجتمع للدراسة و تم اخذ 45 موظف امن بمستويات ادارية مختلفة حسب المسمى الوظيفي .تم تحليل البيانات باستخدام برنامج التحليل الاحصائي . اظهرا نتائج التحليل ان استراتيجية التدريب له اثر في تعزيز اداء الموظف في المنظمات الامنية، كمان ان اداء الموظف يتأثر بسياسات وقرارات تغطيها استراتيجية التدريب في المنظمة، اضافة الى ذلك ان تحسين جودة العمل للموظف يتطلب استراتيجية تدريب فعالة تخضع للتحديث و التطوير باستمرار دائم ، واهتمام من قادة المنظمة.

الكلمات المفتاحية: استراتيجية التدريب ، اداء الموظف ، المنظمات.

  1. Introduction

The training strategy has a particular function in accomplishing an organizational goal by merging the interests of the organization and the workforce (Elnaga & Imran, 2013). Training strategy in organizations is the most significant component in the business sector since training promotes the efficiency and effectiveness of both the employees and the organization. The performance of the employee depends on several aspects (Halawi & Haydar, 2018). Still, the most significant factor in the performance of the employee is training, as training is vital to increase the capabilities of employees. Employees with greater on-the-job experience have better performance since there is a rise in both abilities and competencies due to more work experience (Mahmood, Hee, Yin, & Hamli, 2018).

Organizations are interested in the training strategy to tackle an organizational challenge related to the continual development of employee performance. Organizational performance depends on employee performance since human resources organizational capital plays a significant role in organizational growth and performance (Algharibeh, Almsafir, & Alias, 2014). So, to increase organizational performance and employee performance, training is given to the employee for the organization, and therefore the goal of this study is to show the impact of the training strategy on employee performance.

The security company, like other companies, has objectives, a structure, and a strategy to attain its goals. The security company is interested in training security employees, to deliver good services to people. One of its security goals is to offer security for people and accomplish people’s satisfaction with security services. The security organization is continually attempting to build a training strategy for staff to increase performance (Vo-Thanh et al., 2020).

The quantitative method was utilized to study the relationship of the training strategy to the employee’s performance and its improvement in the security company. A training strategy is a training system established by the training department, dealing with the provision of training techniques and topics (Úbeda-García, Cortés, Marco-Lajara, & Zaragoza-Sáez, 2014). There was a correlation between the two variables, and this is an indicator to aid the employee in obtaining new job competencies related to personal skills and technical capabilities, to improve the employee’s performance (Niazi, 2011). The training strategy in organizations leads to determining the quality of training packages to increase the performance of employees in providing services (Alshraideh, Al-Lozi, & Alshurideh, 2017).

The paper was looking for a solution to the problem of poor employee performance despite the existence of training programs. The goal of the article was to find answers assuming the training plan plays a vital role in enhancing employee performance.

  1. Problem statement

The current article looks at tackling the problem of employee performance stability and development, therefore this paper intended to explore the association of training strategy with employee performance in firms. The training strategy in businesses seeks to find the professional, technical, and administrative deficiencies in the employee’s performance. The strategy encourages the organization to establish training programs that address this shortcoming, to alter and increase the employee’s performance to complete the required work efficiently (Mubarok & Putra, 2018). The security company aspires to long-term investment in staff development to keep the competitive edge by maintaining the level of performance and developing it in the future (Algharibeh et al., 2014). The organization needs a strategic approach that ensures the maintenance and ongoing improvement of performance, to fulfill the company’s goals. Developing employees’ skills make performing duties easier, saves time, and finds new solutions to the challenges encountered by the employee. Thus, the first beneficiary is the corporation (Niazi, 2011; Quick & Hall, 2015). To handle the problem statement, the paper concentrated on reviewing prior studies to establish the research hypothesis and its methods.

  1. Theoretical Framework

The research is based on the theory of the scientist Victor Vroom (vroom), and this theory talks about the motivation of the worker to do any work is his expectation of return. According to Vroom, the force of attraction is represented by the benefit that the worker obtains from the returns provided by the level of performance. Fromm contributed to raising performance through his theory, and training (Miner, 2015). Managers take care of the training strategy by setting effective policies for the development of training programs (Wambugu & Ombui, 2013). Senior management issues decisions to build the employee’s capabilities to enhance his performance (Khan, Abbasi, Waseem, Ayaz, & Ijaz, 2016). The employee provision of high-quality services is one of the aims of the company, which needs training and education of employees (Ricaurte & Viloria, 2020). Organizations are continuously attempting to increase the performance of personnel in line with scientific and technical development (Garavan et al., 2019). Organizations are interested in employee innovation and capacity building, thus they are interested in designing a training strategy to meet their aims.

  1. Research Hypothesis

Depending on Vroom’s theory and the literature assessment, the research hypothesis was: There is a significant relationship between the training strategy and the employee’s performance in the security organization.

  1. Research Objective

The essay intends to explore the relationship between training strategy and employee performance in organizations, by investigating the relationship between training strategy and employee performance in the security company.

  1. Methodology

Explanatory research was used to achieve the purpose of the article, to explain the researcher’s opinions and thoughts on the topic of “Employee Performance” to explore the hypothesis further (Asad et al., 2018). The current study aims to measure the relationship between training strategy and employee performance. A quantitative approach was used to achieve the aim of the article (Mayr, Lakhdar, Maji, & Ofial, 2012). Security company employees were relied upon as a study population. A sample was taken from the population and the questionnaire was distributed to analyze the results (Quick & Hall, 2015).

A random sample was taken of the company’s security staff. The study population consisted of 370 security employees with different job descriptions and functions. Richard’s equation was used to determine the sample size of 45 security employees (Farthing & Ogden, 2017). A questionnaire was prepared that included demographic variables and data for the independent variable (training strategy), and data for the dependent variable (employee performance), based on the literature review. The questionnaire contains 10 items for each variable, and the responses were given by the respondents according to the Five-dimensional Likert Scale. The survey tool was developed based on a literature review, and the sustainability of the tool was verified using Cronbach’s alpha. The Cronbach’s alpha for this study was .76 for the total score and .70, and .74, respectively, for the training strategy and employee performance subscales.

  1. Literary Review

The literature review shows some studies close to examining the relationship between training strategy and employee performance. Yunis, Jung, and Chen (2013)study, purpose was to examine the role of total quality management in the performance model of the total quality management strategy. More specifically, it seeks to verify whether TQM has a driving role in shaping strategy or has a mediating influence in the strategy-performance relationship. The study used the descriptive approach, and based on the literature review, the results showed that there is an impact of the strategy on the organization and employee performance.

Another study by Halawi and Haydar (2018) shed light on the effects of training on the performance of employees from two companies. The study collected primary data from a sample of 303 respondents. The questionnaire was used as an analysis tool. Management noted that they faced challenges in implementing training programs due to fear of spending more resources, communication, bureaucracy, lack of support from senior managers, and failure to own structures. The article highlighted the effects of the results in terms of neglecting training. It was found that performance needs advanced training programs. The article focused on the training programs and did not address the training strategy. The training strategy needs support from managers to raise employee performance.

Training strategy is essential for making long-term strategic decisions. Concerning the development and development of the performance of employees in the organization and the extent to which they possess skills, knowledge, competencies, and capabilities (Badem, Basturk, Caliskan, & Yuksel, 2017). The main entry point for the training strategy is the general strategy of the organization. Which defines the future visions of the organization and its goals. Today, organizations rely on improving the capabilities, skills, and knowledge of talented employees to achieve positive performance (Karimi et al., 2018). Despite hiring already experienced employees, human resource managers still design training and development programs to make employees learn and acquire skills, abilities, and knowledge about their responsibilities. This is done with the understanding that employees form the backbone of the organization (Rabab’ah, 2016).

The employee’s performance is considered to be the responsibilities, duties, activities, and tasks that make up the individual’s work, which he must perform in the required manner, in the light of rates that the trained competent worker can perform (Hafeez & Akbar, 2015). The employee’s performance needs attention from the organization’s senior management to ensure the achievement of its goals. Managers are interested in the training strategy by developing effective policies for the development of training programs. Senior management issues decisions to build the capabilities of the employee to raise his performance (Wambugu & Ombui, 2013). The employee provision of high-quality services is one of the organization’s objectives, which requires employee training and education (Khan et al., 2016). Organizations are constantly striving to raise employee performance in line with scientific and technological development. Organizations are interested in employee innovation and capacity building, so they are interested in developing a training strategy to achieve their goals (DAKHOUL, 2018).

The literature review explains that performance in organizations requires effective training according to an integrated training strategy. The organization should involve all employees in building a training strategy alongside experts and specialists.

  1. Result
    1. Demographic characteristics

The sample included 45 participants The sample included 45 participants of security company security company, and the response rate was (96.6%). The largest number of respondents in the sample were men (86.7%), while most of the participants had a security officer job title in the company (42.2%). More than half of the participants in the sample held a diploma (60.7%). While less than half of the participants had work experience from 10 to 20 years (46.7%). Finally, about half of the participants were between the ages of 30 to 40 years (44.4%). Table 1 shows the demographic characteristics of the participants in the questionnaire.

Table 1. Basic conditioning factors of the participants (n = 45)

Variable Frequency (%)



39 (86.7)

6 (13.3)


security officer


head of security

8 (17.8)

19 (42.2)

18 (40.0)


level School education

Diploma Education

University Education

9 (20.0)

27 (60.7)

9 (20.0)

Years of experience

less than 30 years

10 -20 years

over 20 years

6 (13.3)

21 (46.7)

18 (40.0)


less than 30 years

30-40 years

over 40 years

9 (20.0)

20 (44.4)

16 (35.6)

5.2 Training Strategy

Independent variable analysis (training strategy) The Cronbach’s alpha for this study was .76 for the total score. It was proven to the strength of the paragraphs and their link with the subject training strategy, was a solid sign of the analysis. Whereas in a prior study, Cronbach’s alpha of .75 was (Sandamali, Padmasiri, Mahalekamge, & Mendis, 2018) study. The result of analyzing the training strategy in the security company was the total of the elements, representing the degree of comprehension of the security cadres for the training strategy. In other words, the actual training levels of security staff in the organization were 2.53 ± 1.23, 95% TS = [2.34, 2.73]. This suggests that the security personnel’s training levels were moderate. Most of the security staff are assessed as having moderate training. Moreover, 41% of the security staff were highly trained, whose total reactions mattered most. Moreover, the findings of assessing the average results of the responses were (30.56), and this implies that the training is truly towards the betterment of the employee. Analysis of employee training variables suggests that it is a tendency towards higher training in security organizations. Analysis of the training approach demonstrates that it is a tendency towards higher training in security businesses. Table 2 displays the descriptive statistics of the training strategy.

Table 2. Descriptive Statistics for Training Strategy

Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
Training 45 24 35 30.56 2.190
Performance 45 26 35 30.40 2.199
Valid N (list wise) 45

5.3 Employee Performance

For dependent variable analysis (employee performance) Cronbach’s alpha for this study was .70 for the total score. It was proved to the strength of the paragraphs and their link with the subject of employee performance, was a firm sign of the analysis. Whereas in a prior study, Cronbach’s alpha of .70 was (Ritzman & Kahle‐Piasecki, 2016) study. The outcome of analyzing the employee performance in the security company was the total of the factors, expressing the degree of comprehension of the security cadres for the employee performance. The descriptive statistical analysis of the dependent variable (employee performance) suggests that the total number of items that have been counted means that the security personnel has a favorable performance at work. In other words, the results levels of the employee performance analysis for the company’s security staff were extremely similar to the training strategy analysis 2.53 ± 1.23, 95% EP= [2.34, 2.73]. This suggests that the levels of interest in the employee’s performance were moderate. Most of the security employees were classed as the findings of the employee performance analysis tend to enhance the performance efficiency of the security personnel. Moreover, the results of the study for the average results of the responses were (30.40), and this suggests that the performance is truly towards improvement among the employees, as their total responses were extremely crucial. An analysis of employee performance characteristics suggests that it is a trend toward high performance in security organizations. Table 2 presents the results of the descriptive statistics of the employee’s performance.

5.4 The Relationship between Training Strategy and Employee Performance

The results revealed, after analyzing the relationship between the training strategy and employee performance in the security company, using Pearson Correlation, that there is a significant correlation. The Pearson correlation showed that the results of the sample analysis (45) showed that the Pearson correlation value was (.330) for the relationship between the two variables. This is an indication that the independent variable (training strategy) is associated with the dependent variable (employee performance) in a significant relationship. It also showed the value of Pearson’s correlation (Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed)). Whereas, the value is without the negative sign, meaning a positive value, and the correlation is considered (medium) because the value falls between the classification (r equals .30 to .49).

Pearson’s correlation ranged from +1 to -1, with +1 representing a positive correlation, and -1 representing a negative correlation. 0 represents no relationship. Pearson correlation analysis also showed that the training strategy is associated with the employee’s performance, despite the diversity of the participants in the questionnaire according to (gender, education, years of experience, age, and job title). This was an indication of the positive correlation between the independent variable and the dependent variable. Table 3 shows the results of Pearson’s correlation analysis of the relationship between the training strategy and employee performance in the security company.

Table 3. Descriptive Statistics for Training Strategy

Training Performance
Training Pearson Correlation 1 .330*
Sig. (2-tailed) .027
N 45 45
Performance Pearson Correlation .330* 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .027
N 45 45
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
  1. Discussion and Finding

Data analysis showed that the association between training strategy and employee performance was .330, which is significant at the level of 0.000. According to the results of Pearson’s correlation study, it was determined that the security firm employees were positively and strongly related to the employee’s performance. By examining the relationship between the two variables, it was established that the training strategy has a favorable and strong relationship with the employee performance of the security company. A regression for this study found that 51% of employee performance variance is explained by the training strategy. According to the data, there is a considerable impact of the training strategy on employee performance. Discussing the level of employee performance for the employees of the security company, it was found that they had a suitable level of employee performance with an average of 2.190 and a standard deviation of .782. In the end, it was observed that the training strategy has a substantial impact on the level of employee performance of the employees of the security company. Value Table 3 indicated illustrates that the training strategy of the independent variable has a beneficial effect on the performance of the dependent variable. As revealed by the experimental results, the performance of employees depended on the training strategy.

The training strategy includes policies aimed at building advanced training programs. Providing the organization with targeted training of knowledge and skills is linked to raising the quality of work. The result of this article indicates that the training strategy contributes to achieving employee performance with appropriate standards. This appears (Úbeda-García et al., 2014) that study proved the existence of a correlation between the appropriateness of training policies and performance.

The training strategy directs the organization to rely on on-the-job training to improve employee performance. The results of the study suggest that decisions linked to the training strategy push the company towards on-the-job training to cut costs and time and to give employees skills (Alshraideh et al., 2017; Khan, Furqan, & Muhammad, 2011). Halawi and Haydar (2018) study indicated in its results that on-the-job training assists employees to gain a better grasp of their job. People learn better from their practical experience compared to written knowledge, and on-the-job training minimizes cost and saves time. The authority of Garavan et al. (2019) study indicates the training strategy that directs the decisions of the training strategy towards on-the-job training increases the employee’s performance and decreases costs at the same time. Where Garavan et al. (2019) highlighted that firms should give their staff on-the-job training because it is also cost-effective and time-saving. It is good for the firm to give its employees on-the-job training so that employees can learn practical methods to improve employee performance.

The results of the research also showed that the participants in the questionnaire had a positive training level. The participants acknowledged the relevance of the training strategy and the policies and choices of senior management that work to enhance their efficiency. This is similar to the results of Paais and Pattiruhu (2020) study, which revealed the favorable influence of training policies on employee performance. The experience item had a good direction for the value of the training approach and its relationship to the employee’s performance. These results were similar to the results of the Ritzman and Kahle‐Piasecki (2016)study, which achieved the hypothesis of the function of experiences in training in the development of work for the employee. The study also demonstrated that the dependent variable (employee performance) led to higher performance. This orientation reflects the participants’ comprehension of the relevance of the quality of work in the firm. This agreement appears in Úbeda-García et al. (2014)study, which addressed the effectiveness of work quality in the training system. Organizations are continually attempting to improve their services, and the interest in training strategy may be helpful in the direction of refining staff skills. Training strategy is vital to assess the skill level of employees in firms, as revealed in a study (Ricaurte & Viloria, 2020).

Training success is not limited to only holding a training course because there are a lot of training courses that fail to fulfill their objectives. This is also what was mentioned in the study of Zreen, Farooq, Yasmin, and Management (2018), which indicated that the purpose of the training course is to build the trainees’ skills or raise their understanding of what hinders them in their work or life and enhance their performance at work. Therefore, the inability of the trainees to benefit from the training course is regarded as a failure of the training course and will not meet the aim. If the organization runs training courses to increase the skill element, the trainees do not employ the abilities they learned in their work, and the training course failed to improve performance. Khan, Waqas, and Muneer (2017) study showed that the application of talents is one of the factors in enhancing work performance in banking firms. Therefore, the link between the training strategy and employee performance needs plans is considered by senior management. Plans geared towards the employee’s performance to enhance his abilities and knowledge. In the sense that the training approach must be supplied with policies, decisions and procedures that promote performance.

  1. Conclusion and Recommendations

The paper employed the quantitative method to investigate the association between the training strategy and the employee’s performance. Pearson correlation analysis demonstrated that there is a substantial link between the independent and the dependent variable. Respondents from a security company had a training index indicating high training. The performance indicator also relates to boosting the quality of services supplied. The findings of the analysis defining the dependent variable showed that the performance of the employee is increasing. Organizations should pay attention to the training plan to achieve their aims of boosting employee performance. The training strategy generates benefits for the employee’s knowledge, skills, ability, competencies, and conduct. It was also mentioned that the training strategy drives the modification of employee behavior in a manner that fulfills corporate goals and helps bridge the gap between what should happen and what happens to enhance the level of employee performance.

The existence of a correlation between the training strategy and employee performance is an incentive for employers to pay attention to the training strategy. Building a strategy with scientific standards and the interest of top management in the company is linked to boosting employee performance. Organizations need employees that believe in the importance of training and implementing training results to increase the quality of their work. One of the markers of meeting the goals of businesses in enhancing employee performance is the availability of an integrated training strategy comprising policies, decisions, and processes. We advocate that all firms establish an integrated training strategy, policies, and decisions to boost employee performance. We have already stressed that the two training strategy has advantages not only for employees but the final benefit for the firm itself. If the performance of an employee is not good, it will affect the entire organization.


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