Effect of intercropping (sorghum/cowpea), Bradyrhizobium, Nitrogen and Phosphorus fertilizers on Growth of Cowpea under rainfed conditions

Ekhlas Mohamedzein Musa Mohamedzein1

Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sinnar, Sudan.

HNSJ, 2022, 3(6); https://doi.org/10.53796/hnsj3612


Published at 01/06/2022 Accepted at 05/05/2022


Afield experiment was carried out at the experimental field of Faculty of Agriculture (Abu Naama) – University of Sinnar for two successive seasons to study the effect of intercropping, Bradyrhizobium, N and P fertilizers on growth of cowpea. The experimental layout was arranged in split- split plot design with six replicates. Parameters studied are nodule numbers, nodules dry weight, plant height and shoot and root dry weight. The results showed that intercropping significantly increased number and dry weight of nodules; Bradyrhizobium inoculation, N and P fertilizers significantly increased number and dry weight of nodules, plant height, shoot and root dry weight in two seasons compared with the control.

Key Words: Bradyrhizobium; Nitrogen; Phosphorus; intercropping;, cowpea; rainfed.

عنوان البحث

تأثير الزراعة البينية والتلقيح ببكتيريا العقد الجذرية (Bradyrhizoium) والتسميد النتروجيني والفسفوري علي نمو اللوبيا حلو

اخلاص محمد زين موسى محمد زين1

1 كلية الزراعة، جامعة سنار، السودان.

HNSJ, 2022, 3(6); https://doi.org/10.53796/hnsj3612

تاريخ النشر: 01/06/2022م تاريخ القبول: 17/05/2022م


أجريت تجربة حقلية بالمزرعة التجريبية لكلية الزراعة (أبونعامة) – جامعة سنار لموسميين متتالين لدراسة تأثير الزراعة البينية والتلقيح ببكتيريا العقد الجذرية (Bradyrhizoium) والتسميد النتروجيني والفسفوري علي نمو اللوبيا حلو. أظهرت نتائج الدراسة أن الزراعة البينية أدت إلي زيادة معنوية في عدد العقد الجذرية ووزنها الجاف في الموسمين، كما أن التلقيح ببكتيريا العقد الجذرية (Bradyrhizoium) والتسميد النتروجيني والفسفوري أدي إلي زيادة معنوية في عدد العقد الجذرية ووزنها الجاف وطول النبات والوزن الجاف للساق والجذور في الموسمين مقارنة بالشاهد.


Intercropping legumes and non legumes is an agriculture practice of cultivating two or more crops on the same place of land at the same time. It is commonly practiced in many parts of the world in order to increase the productivity per unit area of the land (Bhupinder et al., 2003).

Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walps) is an important grain legume throughout the tropics and subtropics, covering Africa, Asia and Central and South America. It provides a cheap source of plant protein for the poor people in the third world. In Sudan cowpea is grown widely as a subsistence crop in Kordofan, Darfur and Central and Southern regions as a rainfed crop. In addition to the value of cowpea, as a leguminous plant, that can fixing atmospheric nitrogen and improving soil nitrogen, cowpea is also drought and shade tolerant, therefore, it compatible as an intercrop with many crops (IITA, 1997).

The inoculation the inoculums to the seedling) enhance nodule numbers, their effectiveness, the growth and yield of soybean (Salih, 2002), hyacinth bean (Obied, 2003), fenugreek (Abdelgani, 1997) and groundnut (Mohamedzein, 1996).

Application of nitrogen fertilizer as a starter dose enhanced the nodulation then the growth and yield of legumes (Abu Naib, 1982; Mahdi et al., 1983; Karrar, 1984), also phosphate is known to improve rhizobial growth and vigor resulting in greater colonization, root infection and nodulation (Mahdi and Mustafa, 2005). The main objective of this study is to determine the effect of inoculation with Bradyrhizobium strain, intercropping, nitrogen of legumes by locally or introduced Bradyrhizobium or Rhizobium strains (either by dressing the seeds at sowing or by adding

and phosphorus fertilizers on growth of cowpea under rainfed conditions.

Materials and Methods:

Afield experiment was carried out at the experimental field of Faculty of Agriculture (Abu Naama)- University of Sinnar (Latitude 12◦ 44 N and Longitude 34◦ 7 E) for two successive seasons (2014and 2015). The soil of the experimental site is characterized by 11.5% sand, 19.6% silt. 68.9% clay, pH=8.1, Ece= 0.9, N= 0.06% and P=5.3%.

Sorghum (Sorghum biocolor L. Monech) seed of variety tabat were obtained from the Sudanese Arabian company, cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walps) seeds were obtained from the local market of Abu Naama, and Bradyrhizobium strain was obtained from Environment and Natural Resources Research Institute, National Centre for Research.

The experimental site was prepared by ploughing, harrowing, then leveling and ridging. The land was divided into plots, each of 4X6 m, 70 cm between ridges, and six north- south ridges per plot. P and N fertilizers were added at sowing. The experiment was arranged in split split plot design with six replicates. The following treatments were assigned to main plots:

1- Uninoculated (Control)

2- Inoculated with Bradyrhizobium strain.

The following cropping systems were assigned to the sub plots:

1- Cowpea (monocropping system)

2- Cowpea/sorghum (intercropping system)

3- Sorghum (monocropping system)

The following fertilizers were assigned to the sub sub plots:

1- No fertilizers (control)

2- 20 Kg N/ha

3- 50 Kg P/ha

At sowing seeds of cowpea were wetted using 40% gum Arabic solution and mixed thoroughly with the charcoal based inoculums of Bradyrhizobium, inoculated seeds were left to dry for few minutes in shade. Five seeds of inoculated or uninoculated cowpea in conjunction with sorghum were sown by hand on the ridges in holes 30 cm apart, which were later thinned to three plants per hole for both crops. The crops were grown in alternate, single rows. The plots were irrigated immediately after sowing. There after rainfall was the main source of irrigation.

Three samples from each plot were taken at 4, 6, 8 and 10 weeks after sowing. The parameters which were measured are nodules number, plant height, dry weight of nodules, shoot and root (determined after drying in an oven at 70°C for 48 hours).

Each sample was analyzed in triplicate. The data were subjected to analysis of variance and means were separated by the Duncan´s multiple range test with probability of P≤ 0.05.


Nodules number, nodules dry weight and plant height of cowpea significantly (p≤0.05) increases by Bradyrhizobium inoculation and intercropping compared to control in two seasons, also significantly (p≤0.05) increased by application of nitrogen or phosphorus fertilizers compared with control or with Bradyrhizobium inoculation alone in two seasons (Tables 1 &2; 3&4 and 5&6).

Shoot dry weight and root dry weight significantly (p≤0.05) increased by Bradyrhizobium inoculation, nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers compared with control (Tables 7&8 and 9&10).

Table 1: Effect of intercropping (sorghum/cowpea), inoculation, N and P on nodules number of cowpea (nodule/plant) in season 2014

Treatment Time (weeks after sowing)

4 6 8 10

Monocropping system

Control 10.6a 14.3a 21.7a 11.5a

20 Kg N/ha 21.7b 30.8c 48.7cd 20.7c

50 Kg P/ha 20.8 b 31.1cd 49.2cd 21.2 c

TAL 169 21.3 b 30.6c 45.3cd 20.6 c

TAL 169+ 20 Kg N/ha 21.8 b 33.7cde 52.3de 21.3 c

TAL 169+ 50 Kg P/ha 22.1 b 33.8cde 54.0 de 21.0 c

Mean 19.7 29.1 45.2 19.3

Intercropping system

Control 11.2a 17.8 b 27.2 b 16.1b

20 Kg N/ha 21.4 b 31.0cd 50.6d 20.7 c

50 Kg P/ha 22.8 b 31.4cd 51.8cd 21.3 c

TAL 169 22.3 b 31.0cd 47.8cd 20.9 c

TAL 169+ 20 Kg N/ha 22.5 b 35.1e 57.3e 21.7 c

TAL 169+ 50 Kg P/ha 22.8 b 34.9de 58.7 e 22.6 c

Mean 20.5 30.2 48.9 20.6

LSD (5%) treatments 2.6 3.2 4.1 3.1

LSD (5%) means 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.5

Table 2: Effect of intercropping (sorghum/cowpea), inoculation, N and P on nodules number of cowpea (nodule/plant) in season 2015

Treatment Time (weeks after sowing)

4 6 8 10

Monocropping system

Control 10.7a 17.3a 25.7a 9.8 a

20 Kg N/ha 21.3bc 31.3c 40.2 b 17.8bc

50 Kg P/ha 21.1bc 31.6cd 41.3bc 19.4 c

TAL 169 19.7b 30.1cd 42.2bc 19.4 c

TAL 169+ 20 Kg N/ha 21.7bc 41.7d 54.3 d 20.5 c

TAL 169+ 50 Kg P/ha 21.5bc 41.2 d 49.0cd 19.2 c

Mean 19.3 32.4 42.1 17.7

Intercropping system

Control 11.7 a 22.3 b 29.7 a 15.3 b

20 Kg N/ha 23.2 c 32.6cd 40.3bc 20.5 c

50 Kg P/ha 23.6cd 32.7cd 47.2cd 20.7 c

TAL 169 22.3bc 32.6cd 45.5 c 20.1 c

TAL 169+ 20 Kg N/ha 29.4 d 43.2 d 53.8 d 21.1 c

TAL 169+ 50 Kg P/ha 28.3 d 43.4 d 54.7 d 20.8 c

Mean 23.1 34.5 45.2 19.8

LSD (5%) treatments 3.0 2.7 4.2 3.6

LSD (5%) means 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.6

Table 3: Effect of intercropping (sorghum/cowpea), inoculation, N and P on nodules dry weight of cowpea (g/plant) in season 2014

Treatment Time (weeks after sowing)

4 6 8 10

Monocropping system

Control 15.22a 36.11a 88.89a 47.17ab

20 Kg N/ha 66.67ef 112.22c 507.68bc 97.11c

50 Kg P/ha 62.61e 148.89 d 570.22c 108.33cd

TAL 169 50.39d 131.67cd 491.06bc 117.56de

TAL 169+ 20 Kg N/ha 50.56cd 316.50h 707.10d 193.28f

TAL 169+ 50 Kg P/ha 99.39g 340.00 h 746.11 d 238.55g

Mean 57.47 180.90 518.51 133.67

Intercropping system

Control 22.28ab 38.89ab 155.22ab 41.72 a

20 Kg N/ha 28.22b 128.89cd 414.00b 75.06b

50 Kg P/ha 71.67ef 182.22 e 493.17bc 85.72bc

TAL 169 39.17c 77.82 b 493.17bc 115.61d

TAL 169+ 20 Kg N/ha 46.94cd 221.67f 593.67cd 122.22de

TAL 169+ 50 Kg P/ha 85.56 f 246.06g 617.89cd 132.45e

Mean 48.97 149.26 461.19 95.46

LSD (5%) treatments 8.70 23.92 87.12 14.37

LSD (5%) means 1.45 3.99 14.52 2.40

Table 4: Effect of intercropping (sorghum/cowpea), inoculation, N and P on nodules dry weight of cowpea (g/plant) in season 2015

Treatment Time (weeks after sowing)

4 6 8 10

Monocropping system

Control 21.36a 14.56a 127.05a 57.21a

20 Kg N/ha 53.69cd 158.35c 503.32de 348.52g

50 Kg P/ha 62.25d 167.31cd 593.60e 117.60bc

TAL 169 40.33b 239.59d 763.94f 172.10cd

TAL 169+ 20 Kg N/ha 76.74e 337.48e 684.32f 299.79f

TAL 169+ 50 Kg P/ha 104.37f 368.00f 648.36ef 237.89e

Mean 56.96 218.38 553.52 205.52

Intercropping system

Control 24.64ab 44.00a 268.33b 69.55ab

20 Kg N/ha 50.55c 143.15bc 386.19cd 100.00b

50 Kg P/ha 62.46de 174.92cd 437.45cd 110.25bc

TAL 169 40.95bc 134.14b 491.40d 206.70de

TAL 169+ 20 Kg N/ha 46.56bc 179.96cd 361.10c 184.50d

TAL 169+ 50 Kg P/ha 85.13ef 240.09de 543.17de 150.15c

Mean 47.55 151.21 455.57 136.86

LSD (5%) treatments 6.94 20.27 83.13 30.42

LSD (5%) means 1.16 3.38 13.86 5.07

Table 5: Effect of intercropping (sorghum/cowpea), inoculation, N and P on plant height of cowpea (cm/plant) in season 2014

Treatment Time (weeks after sowing)

4 6 8 10

Monocropping system

Control 21.28a 35.88a 53.72a 90.93a

20 Kg N/ha 27.06bcd 49.17bc 59.22bc 105.67b

50 Kg P/ha 28.38bcd 52.14bcde 70.00d 121.95d

TAL 169 25.75b 50.64bcd 68.00cd 106.33bc

TAL 169+ 20 Kg N/ha 28.09bcd 52.08bcde 59.22bc 114.78cd

TAL 169+ 50 Kg P/ha 29.92bcd 55.83d 78.89e 124.72d

Mean 29.92 49.29 65.03 110.73

Intercropping system

Control 26.70bc 53.30de 60.17bc 98.06ab

20 Kg N/ha 27.31bcd 55.58ef 59.00b 111.28bcd

50 Kg P/ha 30.53cd 56.77f 70.39de 116.39cd

TAL 169 27.42bcd 48.55b 54.84ab 110.00bcd

TAL 169+ 20 Kg N/ha 27.61bcd 51.23bcd 59.89bc 115.06cd

TAL 169+ 50 Kg P/ha 32.00d 52.82cde 67.47c 124.11d

Mean 28.59 53.05 61.21 112.48

LSD (5%) treatments 3.90 3.54 2.40 13.74

LSD (5%) means 0.65 0.59 3.40 2.29

Table 6: Effect of intercropping (sorghum/cowpea), inoculation, N and P on plant height of cowpea (cm/plant) in season 2015

Treatment Time (weeks after sowing)

4 6 8 10

Monocropping system

Control 22.56a 37.00a 62.25a 95.89a

20 Kg N/ha 24.17ab 53.39bcd 66.61ab 112.84bc

50 Kg P/ha 27.14cd 56.00bcde 90.45cdef 128.61cd

TAL 169 25.64bc 55.67bcd 82.94cd 112.94bc

TAL 169+ 20 Kg N/ha 27.08cd 57.72cde 94.55defg 119.61cd

TAL 169+ 50 Kg P/ha 30.38e 63.06d 105.28g 131.39d

Mean 26.24 53.81 84.18 116.88

Intercropping system

Control 23.30 a 47.83bc 77.95bc 103.33ab

20 Kg N/ha 27.25cd 59.00de 86.72cde 116.95bcd

50 Kg P/ha 26.78cd 68.67e 97.50defg 121.33cd

TAL 169 23.55a 47.22b 94.44defg 115.84bcd

TAL 169+ 20 Kg N/ha 26.28cd 54.89bcd 101.71efg 121.06cd

TAL 169+ 50 Kg P/ha 27.83 d 63.28de 103.72fg 129.94d

Mean 25.38 57.07 93.58 118.08

LSD (5%) treatments 1.80 8.90 13.78 15.82

LSD (5%) means 0.30 1.48 2.30 2.64

Table 7: Effect of intercropping (sorghum/cowpea), inoculation, N and P on shoot dry weight of cowpea (g/plant) in season 2014

Treatment Time (weeks after sowing)

4 6 8 10

Monocropping system

Control 1.28a 5.78a 9.08a 29.09a

20 Kg N/ha 1.63bc 7.03ab 12.61ab 52.29b

50 Kg P/ha 1.93d 10.82d 16.92c 62.08cd

TAL 169 1.34ab 6.75ab 14.09bc 57.31bc

TAL 169+ 20 Kg N/ha 1.73bc 7.90abc 15.47bc 63.26cd

TAL 169+ 50 Kg P/ha 1.61b 9.60cd 17.27e 62.94cd

Mean 1.59 7.98 14.24 54.49

Intercropping system

Control 1.34ab 5.89a 9.99a 32.07a

20 Kg N/ha 1.87cd 6.12ab 12.16ab 64.32d

50 Kg P/ha 1.95d 7.27abc 15.21bc 65.01d

TAL 169 1.40ab 7.04ab 14.05abc 61.01cd

TAL 169+ 20 Kg N/ha 1.85cd 7.90abc 16.32 c 66.03d

TAL 169+ 50 Kg P/ha 1.86cd 8.31bc 17.20 c 66.25d

Mean 1.17 7.17 14.15 59.11

LSD (5%) treatments 0.16 2.04 3.20 6.16

LSD (5%) means 0.03 0.34 0.53 1.03

Table 8: Effect of intercropping (sorghum/cowpea), inoculation, N and P on shoot dry weight of cowpea (nodule/plant) in season 2015

Treatment Time (weeks after sowing)

4 6 8 10

Monocropping system

Control 1.44a 5.67ab 8.36a 30.07a

20 Kg N/ha 2.10b 6.35abc 9.19b 57.31bcd

50 Kg P/ha 2.94cd 9.95d 9.55bcd 67.00d

TAL 169 2.50bc 5.74abc 9.57bcd 52.41bc

TAL 169+ 20 Kg N/ha 2.88cd 7.47bcd 9.98de 66.36d

TAL 169+ 50 Kg P/ha 3.12cd 8.73cd 10.16e 66.11d

Mean 2.49 7.32 9.47 57.21

Intercropping system

Control 1.58ab 4.30abc 8.56a 38.70a

20 Kg N/ha 2.33bc 5.09ab 9.40bc 54.08bcd

50 Kg P/ha 2.40bc 6.09abc 9.75cde 57.18bcd

TAL 169 2.57bc 4.01a 9.80cde 51.11b

TAL 169+ 20 Kg N/ha 3.27d 4.93abc 10.12e 62.70bcd

TAL 169+ 50 Kg P/ha 3.52e 5.93abc 10.19e 63.02cd

Mean 2.61 5.06 9.64 54.46

LSD (5%) treatments 0.56 2.38 0.42 10.30

LSD (5%) means 0.09 0.40 0.07 1.72

Table 9: Effect of intercropping (sorghum/cowpea), inoculation, N and P on root dry weight of cowpea (g/plant) in season 2014

Treatment Time (weeks after sowing)

4 6 8 10

Monocropping system

Control 0.23a 0.93a 1.16a 2.44a

20 Kg N/ha 0.33cde 1.10abc 1.87bcd 3.95b

50 Kg P/ha 0.34de 1.39de 2.01bcde 4.03b

TAL 169 0.26ab 1.20bcde 1.74bc 3.81b

TAL 169+ 20 Kg N/ha 0.32cde 1.27bcde 1.94bcd 3.84b

TAL 169+ 50 Kg P/ha 0.31cd 1.32cde 2.08bcd 3.90b

Mean 0.30 1.20 1.80 3.66b

Intercropping system

Control 0.25ab 0.94ab 1.69b 2.68a

20 Kg N/ha 0.31cd 1.04ab 1.89bcd 3.82b

50 Kg P/ha 0.35e 1.12abcd 1.95bcd 3.76b

TAL 169 0.27b 1.19bcde 1.84bcd 3.70b

TAL 169+ 20 Kg N/ha 0.30bc 1.33cde 2.12cd 3.88b

TAL 169+ 50 Kg P/ha 0.34de 1.46 e 2.21d 3.92b

Mean 0.30 1.18 1.95 3.63

LSD (5%) treatments 0.04 0.22 0.30 0.44

LSD (5%) means 0.01 0.04 0.05 0.07

Table 10: Effect of intercropping (sorghum/cowpea), inoculation, N and P on root dry weight of cowpea (nodule/plant) in season 2015

Treatment Time (weeks after sowing)

4 6 8 10

Monocropping system

Control 0.40a 0.98a 1.57a 2.57a

20 Kg N/ha 0.60bc 1.15abc 1.69ab 4.00b

50 Kg P/ha 0.74c 1.45de 2.13abcd 4.08b

TAL 169 0.60bc 1.25bcde 2.23cd 3.86b

TAL 169+ 20 Kg N/ha 0.59bc 1.33bcde 2.40cd 3.90b

TAL 169+ 50 Kg P/ha 0.69bc 1.37cde 2.41cd 3.95b

Mean 0.60bc 1.26 2.07 3.95

Intercropping system

Control 0.56abc 0.99a 1.59a 2.73a

20 Kg N/ha 0.57bc 1.09ab 1.81abc 3.87b

50 Kg P/ha 0.66bc 1.16abcd 2.21bcd 3.81b

TAL 169 0.55ab 1.24bcde 2.32cd 3.75b

TAL 169+ 20 Kg N/ha 0.59bc 1.38cde 2.41cd 3.95b

TAL 169+ 50 Kg P/ha 0.66bc 1.50e 2.62d 3.97b

Mean 0.60 1.23 2.16 3.68

LSD (5%) treatments 0.16 0.22 0.56 0.44

LSD (5%) means 0.03 0.04 0.09 0.07


Nodules number of cowpea significantly increased by Bradyrhizobium inoculation (Pahwa and Yadava, 2002; Kishan et al., 2001; Fenning and Danso, 2001), by Bradyrhizobium inoculation and starter dose of nitrogen (Babo and Mishra, 2001) and by Bradyrhizobium inoculation and phosphorus fertilizer application (Mand et al., 1991).

The increment of nodules dry weight by Bradyrhizobium inoculation was reported for soybean and hyacinth bean (Obied, 2003), soybean (Salih, 2002), faba bean (Ahmed, 2000) and fenugreek (Abdelgani, 1997), and by Bradyrhizobium inoculation and application of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers for groundnut (Mohamedzein, 1996).

The increment of nodules number and nodules dry weight by intercropping may be due to execration of organic compounds by companion cereals e.g. carbohydrates needed by bacteria.

The increment of plant height, shoot dry weight and root dry weight by Bradyrhizobium inoculation were for soybean and hyacinth bean (Obied, 2003), soybean (Salih,2002), by Bradyrhizobium inoculation nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers for cowpea (Babo and Mishra, 2001), for groundnut (Mohamedzein, 1996).

Inoculation, nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers increased the fixation, which in turn enhances growth and consequently plant height, shoot dry weight and root dry weight of cowpea.


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