Strategies of the Ministry of Education in Jordan and its role in activating educational supervision

Dr. Waleed Mwanas khalaf ALbawwat1

Ministry of Education, Jordan.

HNSJ, 2022, 3(8);


Published at 01/08/2022 Accepted at 05/07/2022


The study aimed to identify the strategies of the Ministry of Education in Jordan and its role in activating educational supervision. It dealt with the importance of the educational supervisor in the educational system, whether it is related to student education, teacher qualification, preparing curricula, providing means and equipment, training, testing or school activities, as well as showing Study the role of the educational supervisor in the work and tasks assigned to him in relation to education policies, methods of planning and training, curricula, supervision and personal competencies of the educational supervisor

The study relied on the descriptive analytical methods as it is one of the most widely used approaches in studying human social phenomena. The study uses this approach to demonstrate the strategies of the Ministry of Education in Jordan and its role in activating educational supervision

The study reached a set of results and recommendations The study showed that the tasks performed by the educational supervisor are diverse in functions, whether they are related to the student, the teacher, the curriculum, the means and equipment, training, testing or school activities.The study recommended working on building a training program for educational supervisors that includes topics and focuses on educational leadership skills, communication, organization and planning.

Key Words: The Strategy ,Educational guidance ,The strategy of the Jordanian Ministry of Education.


There is no doubt that the Ministry of Education is keen to develop the educational system by setting its future goals within a framework and a scientific path that achieves Jordan’s vision in achieving sustainable development goals and is consistent with the national strategy for human resource development.

Accordingly, the ministry launched its draft strategic plan 2018/2022 in order to achieve a section of the objectives of the national strategy for human resource development for the years 2016-2025, Jordan’s vision 2025 and sustainable development goals. And identifying the strengths and opportunities for improvement related to the six main areas that govern the educational process and the strategic directions of the education sector in Jordan, and highlighting the opportunities and challenges facing the Ministry with an analytical participation with partners and stakeholders.

The Ministry has set up a mechanism to draw up a follow-up and evaluation framework with the aim of evaluating the planning and implementation process periodically, within measures that contribute to strengthening institutionalization and accountability in the educational process.

The educational advisor is a faculty member or qualified to study students’ educational, health, social and behavioral problems through information related to this problem, whether the information is related to the student himself or the surrounding environment for the purpose of enlightenment. About his problem and help him think of appropriate solutions to this problem or problems he suffers from and choose the appropriate solution that he presents to himself.

There are also those who believe that the educational counselor is the qualified person who has been prepared and trained to work in the various advisory fields: developmental, preventive and curative. It offers its advisory services through a formal professional relationship, to help students achieve the maximum levels of growth that their abilities allow, according to a structured and purposeful layout.

Study problem: The problem of the study appears in the study of the strategies of the Ministry of Education in Jordan and its role in activating educational supervision, where educational supervision is one of the important functions in the educational process, as it helps in providing teachers with everything they need in order to develop the educational process, and achieve comprehensive professional growth, and therefore Raising the efficiency of the educational process, raising the level of the student, and achieving the ultimate goal of the educational process, which is to prepare a good student who can serve himself and who can be an effective bite in the community.

The importance of the study: The importance of the study is highlighted in both scientific and practical fields

Scientific importance: providing a modern scientific study that may benefit researchers, specialists, libraries and scientific research centers in explaining the importance of the strategies of the Ministry of Education in Jordan and its role in activating educational supervision

Practical importance : The importance of the study is based on showing the importance of the strategies of the Ministry of Education in Jordan and its role in activating educational supervision, considering that educational supervision is specialized and coordinated educational activities aimed at improving educational attitudes and the educational environment in the educational system in general and in the educational institution in particular.

Study Objectives: Through the study, the following objectives were identified:

  1. Getting to know the strategies of the Ministry of Education in Jordan
  2. Explaining the concept of educational supervision and its role in improving the educational environment

Study questions: From the study, the following questions were answered:

  1. What are the most prominent elements of the strategies of the Ministry of Education in Jordan?
  2. Explaining the concept of educational supervision and its role in improving the educational environment?


The study adopted the descriptive-analytical approach as it is one of the most widely used approaches in studying human social phenomena. The study uses this approach to demonstrate the strategies of the Ministry of Education in Jordan and its role in activating educational supervision

Terminology of study

The Strategy : Strategy is a plan that may be long-term or short-term to reach a goal, and it is a necessary skill to achieve success in war, politics, business, industry, sports, etc. It is also known as the intelligent use of resources through a specific business system in way to achieve the goal

The strategy of the Jordanian Ministry of Education: a time-bound plan based on monitoring and evaluation. With the aim of evaluating the course of planning and implementation periodically, within the measures that contribute to strengthening institutionalization and accountability in the educational process. The Ministry is committed to implementing the plan in important areas at this stage. Improving the quality of education, raising the quality of its outputs, and consolidating competition in the education sector.

Educational guidance : is to assist the student in discovering his academic abilities and capabilities, assisting him in designing his study plan and selecting the appropriate one, achieving the conditions for graduation requirements, helping him to overcome any difficulties that may obstruct his academic path, and also helping him adapt to his academic, social and scientific environment by providing him with sufficient information.

The first topic: The vision and strategy of the Ministry of Education towards education in Jordan

The vision of the Ministry of Education is based on the principle of reaching a pioneering, affiliated, and participating educational community committed to values, and its approach of science and excellence to reach universality. It also worked hard to deliver its mission of providing equal opportunities to obtain high-quality education that enables the learner to think creatively.[1]

It also established the principle of teamwork to achieve the best work, lifelong learning, and equipping with skills and values; To be an active citizen who belongs to his country and contributes to the advancement of the world and humanity.[2]

The vision represented the features of the draft strategic plan to reach a pioneering, loyal, participating educational community committed to values, its approach of science and excellence, to reach universality, and concluded its mission with the need to provide equal opportunities for obtaining high-quality education that enables the learner to engage in creative and critical scientific thinking, teamwork and lifelong learning, and to be equipped with skills and values ​​to be Active citizens belonging to their homeland, contributing to the advancement of the world and humanity, in addition to activating core values: freedom, justice, equality, good citizenship, belonging, moderation, respect for opinion and other opinions, transparency, responsibility, leadership, and building effective partnerships[3].

The strategy of the Ministry of Education showed the main axes, the most prominent of which are: early education and childhood development to increase the chances of children, male and female, obtaining a quality education that ensures their readiness for life in early childhood, raising the enrollment rate in kindergartens, and raising the percentage of public and private kindergartens that meet quality standards and ensure access Equality for students of both sexes and the inclusion of all age groups in education for all residents in the Kingdom.[4]

Since educational supervision is an integral part of educational management, it has been affected by many administrative theories and philosophies. Scientific developments and trends have brought about a change in the concept of educational management, which had a direct impact and its passing through stages in the concept of educational supervision and its global development, including inspection, guidance and comprehensive supervision. Educational supervision is the safety valve in the educational learning process, and to the extent that educational supervision is efficient and effective, the educational process is efficient and effective. It is the mechanism responsible for achieving many elements of quality in the educational system[5]

There is no doubt that educational supervision is one of the pillars of the educational process, as it is expected that it will work to bring about the desired change.

The concept of educational supervision as a democratic, cooperative, and organized leadership process aims to take care of the educational situation and improve the factors affecting it. Therefore, the Ministry of Education has taken a number of new directions to develop the supervisory process, the most important of which is that educational supervision: a comprehensive humanitarian leadership process. On the basis of it, she defined the concept of the supervisory process in that it is: that enables teachers and other parties to the learning process to carry out their roles effectively.[6]

The Ministry is working to update the strategic plan for education for the next three years, which was launched by the Ministry in 2018. After the education sector was exposed to many challenges that directly affected it, including Syrian asylum, the Corona pandemic, and migration from the private education sector to the government; This necessitated the development of operational plans to respond to these challenges, including: the Education during Emergency Plan, the Syrian Crisis Response Plan, and the Rapid Access Agreement. He pointed out that this stage necessitated a review of the strategic plan for education, to include many basic components that contributed to changing the form of teaching and learning, including distance education and blended education[7]

The Ministry worked in cooperation with its partners to study the trends of the previous stage, and to add the necessary improvements to ensure that the strategic plan for the development and evaluation of the education sector was employed within national indicators and main areas including: human resources, quality, equality, system strengthening, technical and vocational education, and early childhood education. The Ministry is also working on redefining the priorities for the next phase of the public education sector and conducting the necessary financial analysis to bridge the gaps, develop human resources, institutionalize change, manage risks and impart quality and distinction[8].

The Ministry also focused on developing the vocational education sector, as the development of the vocational education sector is a fundamental pillar to support the Jordanian economy, reduce unemployment, support employment and respond to the needs of the labor market, through the rehabilitation of human resources, infrastructure, curricula, and technical skills development. One of the main priorities of the Ministry is to take care of the teacher and support his technical abilities because of its fundamental impact on the quality of education, which we all aspire to improve, because of its direct impact on the life of every member of Jordanian society.

The Ministry has also paid attention to compensating the educational loss due to the Corona pandemic, and that serving schools, less fortunate students, people with disabilities, nationalities and refugees is among the priorities of the Ministry, so that they can obtain educational services with different methods, whether they are face-to-face, integrated or remotely, while maintaining the quality of education and equality[9]

Also, accommodating all age groups of both sexes from all residents of the Kingdom and raising the enrollment rate in schools is a strategic goal that the Ministry seeks to achieve through its responsive strategic plan for human resource development. He added that the component of access and equality includes infrastructure, inclusive education for students with special needs, lifelong learning and non-formal education, noting that about a hundred schools have been established since 2018, even if the number achieved is less than the required indicator, but the implementation of classroom additions annually Help relieve overcrowding in schools.[10]

The task of the educational supervisor emerges within the framework of the strategic plan in the Ministry of Education for educational principles from the following pillars:[11]

  1. The importance of cooperation and consultation in working with the teacher.
  2. The importance of building trust between the teacher.
  3. Teaching is a science that has scientific, psychological and social origins, and it is an art that depends on the teacher’s creativity and innovation
  4. The importance of developing teaching performance in scientific ways.
  5. Analysis and evaluation are necessary for the development of teaching work.
  6. The teacher’s need for feedback to develop his performance.

Therefore, the Ministry of Education has a role in activating educational supervision, which becomes an urgent and necessary requirement for the development of the preparatory stage, as supervision is a practice before it is a science or a theory, based on the search for ways and directions in which educational attitudes can be modified and the level of performance improved. Since supervision is an educational process with organized and continuous cooperative activities, progress in educational supervision processes depends on the search for contemporary trends and models that are more open, flexible and innovative, to be effectively employed in the field in order to continuously improve the skills of educational supervisors, school administrators and teachers in order to improve teaching and learning processes.[12]

The Ministry of Education has strengthened the function of educational supervision within a diverse and renewed contemporary vision capable of developing the human element, activating its role, and renewing its tools and practical practices. Learning and working, enriching the horizon of teachers and learners so that each of them goes beyond the function of the silent consumption of knowledge to the function of creative production[13]

For the purpose of improving education outcomes, the Ministry of Education emphasized that educational supervision must devote its supervisory objectives, activities, and tools in the field, which can only be achieved through the interaction of the parties concerned with the educational supervision process from inside and outside the school in a positive and constructive manner. To achieve the desired improvement, adopt continuous formative evaluation, provide feedback, and invest the available material and human resources according to prior planning to achieve maximum benefit from the teaching and learning processes in the preparatory stage.[14]

In light of technology and technology, the Ministry of Education has sought to develop educational supervision to keep pace with new concepts, to become supervision based on correct planning and mutual human relations, and aims to improve the performance of teachers, and develop their scientific and professional capabilities. This type of supervision is concerned with technical and administrative issues. The principal provides feedback to the teacher, explaining the positives and negatives, with the aim of developing performance in a humane manner. In his short visit, he focuses on the following matters:[15]

  1. The method of teaching used by the teacher.
  2. The level of students’ concentration and attention.
  3. The level of student interaction with the teacher
  4. The extent to which students benefit from the lesson.

The great efforts made by the Ministry of Education in Jordan in this direction are still continuing through the introduction of major development projects in various educational stages, including the preparatory stage, which the Ministry is keen to develop, and focus efforts on adopting the ingredients for its advancement, and searching for all of the It would raise the level of performance and high-quality achievement for its various parties, which is a demand and ambition sought by all educators to achieve productive efficiency and outstanding educational proficiency in the outputs of the basic education stage.[16]

Educational supervision is a process of communication and human communication whose two cornerstones are the teacher and the learner. It aims at the end of this process to achieve specific outputs that crystallize in desirable changes in the behavior of both the teacher and the student, and the achievement of all outputs in a tactful manner and satisfactory results for all educational supervisors. Therefore, it is noted that the traditional educational systems in the supervisory process have refrained from the role of the teacher through his implementation of the educational method in the classroom without renewal or development, which formed a stagnation in the supervisory and educational process separately, and with the entry of educational supervision and supervisors in the age of technology and its developments, the supervisor Introducing its methods and methods towards a fruitful and effective investment at all levels, including fruitful dialogue[17]

The Ministry of Education has strengthened modern models of communication between the educational supervisor and teachers, and made among its principles dialogue and sharing of opinions, cooperation between all parties in solving problems, and democracy in decision-making. Thus, it added new and advanced roles for the educational supervisor and teachers, and strengthened the relationship between them.[18]

Therefore, the supervisory system has largely meant that the educational supervisor be aware of the importance of this strategy in the light of the twenty-first century, which is the century of dialogue and discussions aimed at enriching the supervisory process and facilitating the tasks for both parties from the supervisor and the teacher, so that this dialogue depends on the effectiveness of the educational supervisor. In improving his performance and his tactful and purposeful speech during the performance of his supervisory duties away from pretension and arrogance so that familiarity, professional ties and social relations increase in order to serve the educational process, so that the dialogue strategy and its success depend on the effectiveness of the supervisor and the extent to which the teacher accepts the dialogic method and guidance of the educational supervisor.[19]

The researcher saw that the strategy proposed by the Ministry of Education contributes to strengthening the role of educational supervision in creating a fertile environment for effective and fruitful dialogue in all the educational and pedagogical processes together, which is what the contemporary educational supervisor must be aware of and aware of all methods of dialogue and effective discussion that attract teachers and do not alienate them. Accordingly, the dialogue remains the supervisor’s distinguished weapon, capable of harnessing all skills in the success of his tasks and achieving an achievement to which his professional career can be added with pride.

Second topic :the concept of educational supervision and its role in improving the educational environment

The vision of educational supervision has changed, which states that it is a work that makes every effort to search and find defects, as educators see that those in charge of the supervision process have roles that stem from a specific thought, which is that there are individual differences that exist between teachers, and he believes that teachers have abilities And different and varying personal capabilities, in functional capabilities, and accordingly it is not logical for supervisors to resort to using a specific and specific style with all teachers, without any exception for any of them, and using a similar method from all of them.[20]

The concept of educational supervision

The educational supervisor: is defined as an expert technical person, who performs a basic task, which is to help teachers for career growth, work to solve the obstacles and problems they are exposed to, and is based on providing services from a technical point of view in order to improve the methods used in the teaching process.[21]

Supervision is a collaborative technical process that takes place between the supervisor and the teacher and is intended to develop and improve the educational process. Being cooperative means that it can only be fruitful with cooperation between the supervisor and the teacher, and the supervision process can never be fruitful without cooperation and interaction between the two parties[22].

Educational supervision as “a directed activity based on the study of the current situation, and aims to serve all workers in the field of education, to unleash their abilities and raise their personal and professional level in order to achieve raising the level of the educational process and achieving its objectives[23]

An integrated educational process concerned with purposes, curricula, methods of teaching and learning, methods of guidance and evaluation, matching the efforts of teachers and agreeing with them.[24]

Educational supervision is an organized scientific activity carried out by supervisory authorities with a high level of expertise in the field of supervision, with the aim of improving the teaching-learning process, and assisting in the professional growth of teachers through the continuous visits of these authorities to teachers and giving them advice and directions that help them improve their performance. [25]

Educational supervision is an organized and planned process that aims to improve the educational output by providing the appropriate experiences for teachers and school workers, and working to create the appropriate capabilities and conditions for good teaching that leads to the growth of students intellectually, scientifically and socially and achieves them a happy life in this world and the hereafter.[26]

The educational supervision process is a specialized technical service provided by the specialized educational supervisor to the teachers who work with him, with the aim of improving the learning and teaching process. From their attitudes [27]

Educational supervision is an integrated, organized process. Educational supervision can be defined as all the continuous cooperative organized educational activities carried out by educational supervisors, school principals, peers and teachers themselves, in order to improve and develop teachers’ educational skills, which leads to achieving the objectives of the educational learning process[28]

The importance of educational supervision

Educational supervision acquires its importance through the technical services it provides, which is to follow up the educational process and live with its problems, then develop appropriate solutions to them. It imposes the need for the presence of supervisors specialized in the various study subjects to carry out the task of supervising the work of teachers, and assisting and enabling them to achieve the desired goals[29]

The importance here stems from the fact that the primary task of the educational supervisor is to assume the responsibilities that will develop the educational work in the school. This importance is confirmed by previous studies indicating that many school principals focus on administrative responsibilities rather than technical responsibilities[30].

This reality of the school administration makes the urgent need for the presence of the educational supervisor, who is supposed to remedy this defect and fill this deficiency, and what confirms the importance of the role of the educational supervisor in improving and developing the educational work is the technical expertise he has specialized in the scientific subject and methods of teaching, which is an experience he gained by preparing it. He also acquired it by constantly roaming between different schools and confronting various situations and informing him of many ideas and experiences, and educational supervision is important in deepening the administrative competence of school principals.[31]

The duties of the educational supervisor

The educational supervisor makes an effort to work on guiding the teachers in the school individually or collectively. He also has a set of tasks that he performs during the educational and training process for the educational teacher. These tasks are represented by the following:[32]

First: Providing a helping hand and assistance to work on improving and developing the teaching and learning processes.

Second: Providing a helping hand and assistance to the teacher in order to understand and assimilate the educational goals and the study material during the teaching process and the goals of the school as well.

Third: To study the factors that hinder the learning process of the educated person at school.

Fourth: To study good educational methods that are related to the curriculum.

Fifth: Working to support the existing collective cooperation between teachers in order to achieve the desired goals.

Sixth: Working to achieve justice when distributing competencies to the teacher.

Seventh: Follow up the achievement and achievement of the tasks assigned to the educated people and then work on evaluating it.

Eighth: Follow-up teachers, evaluate them, and direct them to the right and correct ways.

Features and characteristics of the educational supervisor

Educational supervision works to find a school that is automatically renewed, and possesses the factors of its development and progress, and accordingly the educational supervisor must possess a set of skills and qualities that work to provide assistance and assistance to him in performing his tasks entrusted to him, including:[33]

  1. The educational supervisor must have a positive and sound concept of the self, which is respected and appreciated by everyone.
  2. Possess the ability to communicate with everyone in both individual and group forms through verbal or written communication, and through expressive or non-verbal verbal skills and others.
  3. It is necessary for the educational supervisor to have complete and rare knowledge of the processes of learning and teaching, and to be able to analyze the teaching process through observational skills.
  4. It is necessary for the educational supervisor to have complete and comprehensive knowledge of human relationships and ties.
  5. The educational supervisor must have the ability to manage time, the ability to deal with problems and disagreements, and to overcome feelings of anxiety and tension.
  6. The educational supervisor must have full knowledge of the functional skills of the educational supervision process, and the methods and methods it contains, and be able to apply and implement them and work on evaluating them.

Strategic planning for educational supervision

Strategic planning represents the first pillar in the educational supervisor’s message. Through it, supervisory priorities are determined, and appropriate supervisory activities, events and programs are chosen to achieve the objectives of educational supervision, away from randomness and spontaneity, which often results in many problems as well as wasting time and wasting it in useless matters[34].

Planning for educational supervision is one of the main ingredients for the success of the educational supervisor, and he cannot dispense with it, on the basis that educational supervision must be based on clear and comprehensive goals that stem from an analysis of the reality of the supervisory areas in which he works, and he is responsible for upgrading them, and also depends on Gathering adequate information and data about teachers, their adequacy and curricula, as well as the different study environments, and formulating a specific action plan that is compatible with the quality and nature of the objectives. Planning for educational supervision is a way of thinking about the future by defining the parameters of the workflow based on the field’s needs, requirements and conditions in order to ensure the achievement of its set goals.[35]

Among the basic guidelines that the educational supervisor sets before him while he is about to plan the educational supervision process are the following:[36]

  1. That his plan for educational supervision stems from the results of analyzing the information and data he obtains from the fields of educational supervision, meaning that the plan meets basic needs represented in developing teachers’ capabilities, the curriculum, and the school environment.
  2. That the objectives of educational supervision be clear and arranged according to the priorities shown by the analysis of the reality and the future vision, so that all efforts are directed to achieve them.
  3. Choosing effective and appropriate means, procedures and supplies to achieve the objectives of educational supervision, a choice consistent with the methods of achieving the objectives.
  4. That the plan be subject to experimentation to prove its adequacy, and to highlight its strengths and weaknesses without rushing to results.
  5. That the plan includes an evaluation of all activities and tools that were used according to specific criteria, and that they are in sync with the supervisory activities.
  6. Planning to move away from monotony, stereotypes and traditional methods, and turn to creativity.
  7. That the plan be in several levels, meaning that the annual plan is divided into a quarterly and monthly plan, taking into account the compatibility, harmony and lack of conflict.


The conclusion of the study formed the outcome of the results that represent the answer to the study’s questions in addition to providing a set of recommendations. It is related to student education, teacher qualification, curriculum preparation, provision of means and equipment, training, examination or school activities

The study also showed the role of the educational supervisor in implementing a set of skills that are related to the competencies related to education policies, academic personal competencies, planning competencies, training, curricula, human competencies, self-evaluation, and assessment competencies, and cognitive competencies.

The study also dealt with the educational supervision process, which is based on a set of tasks, the most prominent of which are class visits, school meetings, exchange of visits between teachers, renewal training courses during service, educational workshops, preparing new teachers, explanatory lessons, educational operator, micro-learning. Guided reading, educational bulletins, individual meeting, procedural research


1- The study showed that the tasks performed by the educational supervisor are diverse in functions, whether they are related to the student, the teacher, the curriculum, the means and equipment, training, testing or school activities.

2- The study confirmed that the educational supervisor is characterized by a set of skills in order to perform his role successfully, including competencies related to education policy, personal and academic competencies, planning competencies, training, curricula, human competencies, self-evaluation, and assessment-related competencies, and cognitive competencies.

3- The study showed that the educational supervision process is based on a set of tasks, including: class visits, school meetings, exchange of visits between teachers, in-service renewal training courses, educational workshops, preparing new teachers, explanatory lessons, educational operator, education Miniature, guided reading, educational bulletins, individual meeting, action research

4- The study proved that educational supervision is characterized by some features, including: leadership, cooperation, democracy, inclusion, artistry, flexibility.

5- The study confirmed that the elements of educational supervision are diverse and numerous, most notably: the participants in supervision, the supervision environment, the concentration of supervision, the mode of supervision, the results of supervision.

6- The study proved that educational supervision has many types, including: cooperative supervision, constructivist supervision, creative supervision, preventive supervision, corrective supervision, authoritarian supervision, and diplomatic supervision.


  1. The study recommended working on building a training program for educational supervisors that includes topics and focuses on educational leadership skills, communication, organization and planning.
  2. The educational supervision document in the Ministry of Education should be reviewed, which describes the basis for selecting supervisors, their professional development paths, their job descriptions, and their inclusion in technical support skills and educational leadership standards.
  3. It is necessary to review the job descriptions of school principals in line with the new roles of educational supervision, to ensure a complementary relationship between the school principal and the educational supervisor.
  4. It is necessary to develop clear policies and plans for the exchange of experiences, lessons learned and success stories between the supervisors of the directorates of education in the capital, Amman, as they are all subject to the same cultural and social conditions.
  5. It is necessary to build a system of accountability to ensure that the roles do not overlap between the educational director and the educational supervisor, and in a manner that increases the supervisor’s responsibility for the improvement of students’ results.
  6. The necessity of diversifying educational supervisors in the supervisory methods, and not relying on one method of supervision, and that the diversification of these methods should be according to the nature of the objectives to be achieved.
  7. The need for supervisory methods to be subject to continuous evaluation and development whenever the need arises.
  8. The educational supervisors, in coordination with the Educational Development Center at the UNRWA, must develop plans to address the problems facing teachers.
  9. It is necessary to hold training courses for supervisors and train them to use modern supervisory methods effectively, primarily conducting procedural research and implementing explanatory lessons, educational concerns, directed readings, and not focusing on classroom visits.


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End Notes:

  1. -Ibrahim Jamal. (2003). Educational leadership for educational supervision. Cairo: Dar Al-Shorouk, Egypt
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